AIDS Drugs in Brazil

May 6, 2007 katebask

Recently, the number of expensive patented drugs needed for patients in Brazil has skyrocketed. This is due to the number of AIDS victims there are in Brazil, as well as the amount that the pharmaceutical company, Merck is charging for the antiretriviral drug.  The cost has been $580 annually per patient!  In response to the high price, Brazil’s government has opted to buy the generic version of the drug from India for  only $170 annually per patient.  Although Merck has patented this drug, India, Brazil and many other places are overriding the patent because of the high price.  Other places, like Thailand have done the same thing.  Brazil has thought about making its own version of the generic drug, but fears trade retaliation from the United States.

I think this is a really interesting issue for a couple reasons.  First of all, I was in the AIDS Wiki group, and I actually did research about AIDS in South America (before our paper got edited and we took the country analysis’ out).  It is unfortunate how AIDS is a growing problem in the area.  It is also unfortunate how expensive the antiretroviral drug is.  I understand that it is a commodity and one is lucky to be able to have it, but I feel that it should be much, much cheaper in order to help more people.  If the Brazilian government can’t afford it,  the African government has no chance.  I’m glad that Brazil and other countries have found a way around this problem, even if it means having to overrirde another’s patent on a drug.  If the drug is generic, then India should be able to sell it to others at a lower price.  I’m wondering if the “generic” version is just as effective as the original version though.  I hope that this lower price of the drug will help the people in need in South America, and everywhere else in the world.

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